
Event: Geothermal options for Switzerland, Nov. 20, 2014, Bern

Bundesplatz (Parliament Square), Bern, Switzerland (source: flickr/ ptwo, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 29 Eki 2014

Event in Switzerland to bolster the phasing out of nuclear power, increase efficiency and give way to renewables in the heart of Europe, especially geothermal to take place in November

The new Swiss energy policy provides a significant improvement in energy efficiency, a significant reduction in the share of fossil fuels in the energy supply and the phasing out of nuclear energy and the same time very ambitious target. This requires, inter alia, the massive expansion of renewable energy sources. Geothermal energy could make a substantial contribution here, but is currently still subject to large uncertainties.

With a wide-ranging interdisciplinary study that is already considered a reference work in expert circles, TA-SWISS tries, Center for Technology Assessment, to answer these questions and more comprehensive and balanced. The perfect energy solution does not exist. But the balance of strengths and weaknesses of geothermal energy provides the first structured information on the role that this energy source within the future Swiss could play the energy mix in the future.

The speakers at the event will be the following: – Sergio Bellucci, Managing Director TA-SWISS – Stefan Hirschberg, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen – Gunter Siddiqi, Federal Office of Energy, Bern – Elmar Grosse Ruse, WWF Switzerland, Zurich – Stefan Wiemer, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich.


20.11.2014 11:00 – 12:00


Käfigturm, Polit-Forum des Bundes
Marktgasse 67
3003 Bern


E-mail address:

[email protected]






Christine D’Anna Huber



Media and Communication

Center for Technology Assessment Switzerland

Event is free

URL of the event: http://idw-online.de/de/event48906

Source: IDW Online