Final Agenda, European Geothermal Energy Congress, Pisa, June 3-7, 2013
The European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) has released the final agenda for the European Geothermal Energy Congress that will take place next week, June 3-7, 2013.
The final agenda for the European Geothermal Energy congress 2013, 3-7th June, Pisa, Italy has been announced and is available at
ThinkGeoEnergy will be attending the event and hopefully one can meet while the event.
The week of geothermal events brings together both industry and the academic sector with short courses, conference sessions, an exhibition, networking events and a field trip.
The main congress, from the 4th– 6th June covers both deep and shallow geothermal with parallel sessions covering amongst other topics, communication and acceptance, Markets (both deep and shallow), resource assessment, and EGS. There will also be presentations on the state of geothermal in several European countries.
An international exhibition with a special focus on the French market will also run over the same days.
The results of three European projects will be presented during the week with free to attend final conferences. GroundMed looks at the next generation of heat pumps in Mediterranean climates, ThermoMap maps very shallow geothermal potential across Europe, and GeoElec, promotes geothermal electricity production in Europe.
Two ISS short courses will run at the start and end of the week, ‘drilling, completion and testing of geothermal wells’ on Monday, 3rd June and ‘Ground source heat pumps’ on Saturday, 8th June.
The choice of location is significant. 2013 is the centenary of the first geothermal electricity projection at the Larderello site in Tuscany, and on Friday, 6th June EGC2013 are offered the chance to visit the original site and the current Bagnore 3, the largest geothermal electricity plant in Italy, and trek across the geothermal fields.
Source: EGEC