Free GEOLEC Workshop on Geothermal Electricity, Essen, Germany, Nov 11, 2013
The GEOLEC project announces a free workshop, "Geothermal Electricity" to be held in Essen, Germany, November 11, 2013, which will be held in connection with and a day before the Geo-T Expo will start in Essen.
Preceding the Geo-T Expo to take place November 12-14, 2013 in Essen, Germany, a Workshop on “Geothermal Electricity” will be held on November 11, 2013 in Essen
Attendance is free of charge. The workshop constitutes the end of the EU funded GEOLEC project. Topics of the workshop are public acceptance, finance and risks, as well as operational experience.
The focus of lectures and discussions planned for the workshop are first hand reports from project developers and plant operators. The Technical Director of the geothermal power and heating plant in Unterhachingen will present the results of a recent review of the 5-years of operations of the plant since its start.
The workshop will also feature presentations on the legal framework, risk assessment of deep goethermal projects, as well as a new simulation software for financial engineering for project development.
The impact of outside factors on the development will be discussed based on the experiences by the projects at Bernried and Bruehl in Germany. This will be followed by a discussions under the guidance of the Risk Dialog Foundation from Switzerland on how crisis situations can be prevented and handled with.
Further details about the program can be found here. It is though necessary to register with Sören Reith until November 4, 2013. With the registration to the workshop attendees will receive access to the Geo-T Expo.
The workshop represents the end of the GEOLEC project, and is organized by the German project partners of EnBW, GFZ Potsdam and Gassner, Groth, Siederer & Coll. ( a law firm).