
GeoGlobal Energy submits EIA for San Gregorio project in Chile

San Gregorio, Southern Chile (source: flickr/ Carlos_Y., creative commons)
Alexander Richter 7 Mar 2012

GeoGlobal Chile submits Environmental Impact Assessment for its 70MW Curacautin geothermal power project at San Gregorio in Southern Chile and expects to start drilling in mid-2013 with operation start in early 2016.

Reported last week, geothermal development company is said to have submitted an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for its planned geothermal power project at San Gregorio in Southern Chile.

The Curacautin project is estimated to have an installed capacity of 70 MW with a cost of up to $330 million.

The company plans the development of 10 geothermal drill pads, and drilling 14 production and 11 re-injection wells. It is expected the company will start to drill in the middle of 2013 and start operation in early 2016.

Source: Power Engineering via BN Americas