
Geothermal district heating seen as great chance for Scotland

Aberdeen Castle Gate, Scotland/ UK (source: flickr/ Bernt Rostad, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 8 Tem 2015

"The Hill of Banchory Geothermal Energy Project will see surveys undertaken at three locations in Banchory, Aberdeenshire, by Aberdeen University and the University of Glasgow."

Following an earlier announcement in June, were five projects in Scotland were granted funds to make viability studies for geothermal district heating and energy generation projects by the Scottish Government’s geothermal energy challenge fund, the “Hill of Banchory Geothermal Energy Project will see surveys undertaken at three locations in Banchory, Aberdeenshire, by Aberdeen University and the University of Glasgow.” according to local news.

This is the first of the projects to receive more details and will act as a catalyst since if it is successful, it will open up the way for more geothermal district heating projects in the area.

According to the same news source, this particular project is a “joint venture between Jigsaw Energy, Hobesco Cluff Geothermal Ltd, the British Geological Survey, the universities, Town Rock Energy, and Ramboll.”

Geothermal district heating can be a bit costly to set up, but one it is in place it has minimal costs and requires low maintenance, making it an ideal renewable heating resource.

Source: Scotsman
