Geothermal for South Easter Europe, conference in Hungary, April 29, 2014
As part of the GeoSEE program of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program, a geothermal conference is held on geothermal energy on April 29, 2014 in Vecsés, Budapest in Hungary.
The local government of Budapest’s district XVIII has announced the “GeoSEE European Conference,” a meeting of geothermal energy specialists from Hungary and throughout the South Eastern Europe region, to be held in Vecsés next week.
With funding from the European Union and under the auspices of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program, the GeoSEE conference is themed “How to make geothermal resources more efficient?” Presenters will seek to present a picture of geothermal energy use in Europe present and future, along with possibilities for growth in the sector.
Guest of honor will be European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) president Dr. Burkhard Sanner.
The GeoSEE program itself is a two-year EU project which will run through December 2014; members partnering in GeoSEE include organizations from Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, FYR Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
The GeoSEE conference runs at the Ágnes Bálint Cultural Center on Telepi u. 43 in Vecsés on Tuesday, April 29, beginning at 9am. Attendance and participation in the conference is free of charge; all that is required is pre-registration.
To do so, write Erzsébet Péhl at [email protected]
Source: Budapest Business Journal