Geothermal now no.2 electricity source in New Zealand
Geothermal trails behind hydro in New Zealand according to the latest quarterly operating statistics of Mighty River Power.
Geothermal power keeps reaching new milestones in NZ. According to local news source quotes Mighty River Power’s quarterly operating statistics saying that geothermal is now the second electricity source in the country.
According to Mighty River Power’s quarterly operating statistics, during the second half of CY2014 New Zealand reached a significant milestone in renewable electricity supply, with geothermal generation replacing gas as the second most important electricity fuel source behind hydro. Geothermal generation has increased by more than 150% in the past decade. Unsubsidised investment, including $1.4 billion by Mighty River Power, has boosted geothermal output from 6.5% of national supply, to 16%. Geothermal is the only renewable not dependant on the weather – running 24/7. It has played an important role in displacing non-renewable generation, and overtaken both coal and gas-fired generation in the past six years, cutting millions of tonnes of emissions. Geothermal made up 40% of Mighty River Power’s total generation for the quarter.
To read the full article, please follow the link below.
To read Mighty River Power’s quarterly operating statistics follow this link and In PDF version
Source: NBR