Geothermal power now 51% of Kenya’s overall power supply
Kenya has been particularly successful at attracting capital to develop its geothermal potential, explaining why now it is the main source in Kenya's energy supply.
Kenya has been making the headlines recently, thanks to the great advances in geothermal development and thanks to the commissioning of new geothermal plants, like the new units on Olkaria.
Reflecting on this issue, the online publication OutLaw writes on the latest news from the World Bank, where its country director for Kenya, Diarietou Gaye “said the bank’s support for the Olkaria plant in the Rift Valley was “a key infrastructure investment in one of the largest single geothermal investment projects in the world””.
The country has been particularly successful at bringing in funds and at gathering capital to fund the geothermal energy projects, which have culminated in making this renewable energy source the main one in the country’s energy matrix. The same source states that the Olkaria Geothermal project is the key example of this, since “other partners in the Olkaria project include the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the European Investment Bank, the French Agency for Development and the German government-owned development bank KfW Entwicklungsbank.”
This shows that having geothermal potential is not enough; being able to successfully attract investment is also a crucial factor for development.
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Source: Out Law