
Geothermal surpassing gas power generation in New Zealand

Aerial view of Ngatamariki plant, New Zealand in March 2013 (source: Mighty River Power)
Alexander Richter 12 Ara 2014

Electricity Authority figures show for the year ended October 30 geothermal generation accounted for 16.3 per cent of the total and gas 15.8 per cent.

Local news from New Zealand state that for the first time, geothermal energy generation has toppled gas power generation.

“Electricity Authority figures show for the year ended October 30 geothermal generation accounted for 16.3 per cent of the total and gas 15.8 per cent.” said the same news source.

This falls in line with the country’s efforts to bolster renewable energy and eventually phase out or diminish as much as possible fossil fuels for power generation.

Energy Minister Simon Bridges mentioned “I’m very excited about geothermal. It’s the single area where New Zealand has most expertise in the world and I have the view that companies with some help from government should be doing more to leverage [that],”

To read the full article, please follow the link below.

Source: New Zealand Herald