
Geothermal Wire Podcast: Interview with CEO of Orka Energy

Eirikur Bragason, Orka Energy (source: Biliran Island blog)
Alexander Richter 26 Şub 2014

In this new podcast interview for the Geothermal Wire, we talked to Eirikur Bragason the CEO of Orka Energy, a geothermal operator and developer of geothermal projects in China and the Philippines.

Following the activities of Iceland/ Singapore based geothermal company Orka Energy, ThinkGeoEnergy interviewed Eirikur Bragason, the CEO of Orka Energy last month.

Orka Energy is developing a geothermal power project on Biliran Island in the Philippines and is developing and operating geothermal district heating systems in a joint venture with Sinopec group in China.



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