
Global Geothermal Alliance Workshop at GEOEXPO+, Oct. 25, 2016

Launch event of the Global Geothermal Alliance, COP21, Dec. 7, 2015 in Paris, France (source: Agusta Thorbergsdottir)
Alexander Richter 26 Eyl 2016

A half-day Global Geothermal Alliance Workshop will be held on the sidelines of the GEA GEOEXPO+ in Sacramento on October 25, 2016.

The Global Geothermal Alliance was launched on the sidelines of COP21 in December 2015. The initiative is facilitated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) The GGA is a coalition of 38 countries and over 20 development and industry partners joining forces with a goal to achieve a 500 percent increase in global installed capacity for geothermal power generation and a 200 percent increase in geothermal heating in 2030.

Interested in attending this workshop? Purchase a GEA GEOEXPO+ pass today!

 This half-day workshop will focus on the following:

  • GGA overview of Action Plan released mid-May
  • GGA advancements on key partners and areas
  • Country specific opportunities in line with GGA goals for geothermal development
  • Country specific finance opportunities available
  • Opportunities for developers looking to work with GGA (i.e. training, technical assistance, finance, etc.)
  • Key partners/ players involved with GGA wishing to highlight their work in a certain region

Interested in attending this workshop? Purchase a GEA GEOEXPO+ pass today!

Source & Details: GEA