
How New Zealand embraces geothermal energy

Pipes at the Wairakei geothermal power plant, New Zealand (source: flickr/ Abaconda, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 28 Nis 2015

Vice praises NZ's efforts on renewable energy development and criticises the actions of Australia's PM for undermining them and favor coal.

In a recent post from VICE, the development of renewable energy and geothermal in NZ is showcased as a great example of what some countries are doing to reduce their dependancy on fossil fuels and embrace carbon emission free energy generation.

On a similar note to Hon Simon Bridges’ speech at the opening ceremony of the WGC 2015 last week in Melbourne, VICE praises the job done by the Kiwis, stating that “over the last six years the New Zealand government has invested $2 billion in the development of geothermal plants, and they’re now generating more power than gas. In the year ending in October 2014, geothermal generation accounted for 16.3 percent of total energy, compared to 15.8 percent for gas. This may seem like peanuts, but according to the Minister of Energy and Resources, Simon Bridges, the current geothermal renaissance puts the country on a path to hit the target of 90 percent renewable generation by 2025. As Bridges boasted at the Geothermal Congress this month, New Zealand is now the fifth-largest geothermal power generator in the world.”

In the same article, the opposite is said by NZ’s neighbour; Australia. Being a renewable energy beacon with great promise and potential in the 1990’s, Prime Minister Abbott is pointed out to kill the renewable energy efforts and years of development in favor of coal and fossil fuels.

To read the full piece, please follow the link.

Source: VICE