Idaho looks at boosting geothermal development
Idaho legislators are exploring ways to boost geothermal development in the state.
Starting the 2011 Idaho legislative session, state legislators are exploring a few major issues in the coming months, so local news. Geothermal Energy is one of the key issues addressed.
According to recent news, legislators are currently exploring various ways of boosting geothermal development in the state.
“Rep. Stephen Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, said there’s a need to reduce lease rates for geothermal projects on Idaho’s public lands, adding that it’s needed to make the state competitive with federal and private lands. There’s also a need for legislation that will allow for longer lease periods, he said.
“Geothermal sites are located all over the state of Idaho and they have quite a bit of potential,” said Hartgen, a member of the House Environment, Energy and Technology Committee.
Existing laws guiding geothermal development are decades old and modeled more around oil and gas industries than geothermal, he said.”
Source: Magic Valley