
Increasing international Interest in Djibouti geothermal development

Farmers at work in Dikhil, Djibouti (source: flickr/ European Commission DG ECHO, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 27 May 2013

News reporting cooperation efforts between Djibouti and Japan, highlight an increasing interest in geothermal development and cooperation from countries with Djibouti, among them China and Turkey.

There are an increasing number of news on various countries interested on a cooperation with the East African country of Djibouti for geothermal development in the country.

Icelandic players have in the past worked on a project in the country, and there are now news on Turkey and Japan recently having offered a cooperation.

There is also talk about Chinese Sinopec being interested in larger scale geothermal development in the country. The company signed a “Geothermal Resource Cooperation Framework Agreement” with Djibouti in 2012.

With a U.S. and French military presence in the country, it is clearly a politically and strategically important location with large energy needs.