Indonesian government sees geothermal as crucial element in energy mix
The President of PT PLN Nur Pamudji State said that geothermal plays a key role in Indonesia due to it's baseload capabilities when compared to other renewables.
Local news from Indonesia state that the country needs alternative energy sources to replace fossil fuels. However, not all alternative energy sources suitable for Indonesia.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Siswoutomo Susilo said that the government will seek a mix of renewable energy sources, aiming at 1,350 megawatts.
On a similar vein, President Director of PT PLN Nur Pamudji State responded that geothermal plays a key role due to it’s baseload capabilities, since other renewables such as solar or wind are dependent on the appropriate climatological conditions to work effectively. He also commented that wind power is not at prevalent in the country and could hardly be used as a primary source of power since it does not distribute evenly across Indonesia. Geothermal therefore is the cornerstone for green energy expansion for the country.
Source: Kompas Website