
Interest in geothermal development in Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean

St. Johns, Antigua (source: flickr/ Ron Kroetz, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 2 Eyl 2016

Antigua and Barbuda joins other Caribbean island states in exploring potential geothermal development in partnership with private company from the U.S.

Reported locally, the government of Antigua and Barbuda in the Eastern Caribbean is interested in geothermal development. The country thereby joins neighbouring island states of St. Kitts and Nevis and Dominica in the Caribbean in their efforts to utilise geothermal resources for power generation.

The government is now eyeing a cooperation with Texas-based firm Thermal Energy Partners and has authorized the Prime Minister to sign an MOU with the company.

The company sees a potential for up to 10 MW for the island state, but mapping would be needed to determine where and if development could take place. If going forward the project would need an investment of $55 million, which Thermal Partners would be funding.

The company has received funding from US Government agencies to undertake some early exploration. Thermal Energy Partners is currently developing a geothermal project in the island of Nevis.

Source: Antigua Observer, Antigua Observer