International Geothermal Conference in Freiburg/ Germany, May 19-20, 2010
The 6th International Geothermal Conference will take place in Freiburg/ Germany on May 19-20, 2010.
In a release The International Geothermal Conference was announced.
The conference “will take place in Freiburg/ Germany on May 19-20, 2010 for the sixth time. The first announcement introduces the main topics of the Conference programme and offers discounted registration rates.
The first announcement of the 6th International Geothermal Conference (IGC 2010) is now published. The Conference will take place at Freiburg Concert Hall on May 19-20, 2010. Once again the IGC will be the geothermal networking and exchanging platform for more than 200 international participants. Amongst others the programme includes one workshop on international projects on May 19, as well as the Main Congress with four workshops and panel discussions on May 20, both with simultaneous German-English interpretations. The IGC Congress will focus on relevant topics of the geothermal sector like aspects of project financing, risk mitigation strategies, seismicity as operational risk and successful operating methods for geothermal plants. Additional Conference workshops like “Planning of geothermal power plants”, “Exploitation of geothermal reservoirs” and “Deep geothermal energy for municipal power supply” will be only held in German.
Field trips to geothermal projects will be offered immediately after the Conference on May 21.
Thanks to its international orientation and simultaneous German-English interpretations, the Conference offers a perfect setting to discuss international deep geothermal challenges and pushes forward the development of a renewable energy technology which has a promising future. According to a relevant pilot study by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 25 per cent of the needed local heat in Germany and 6 per cent of the power shall be produced by geothermal power plants in 2050.
The agency Enerchange ( is the organiser of the International Geothermal Conference. Since 2008 the economic development and marketing company of Freiburg, the Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co.KG (FWTM) is co-organiser. The IGC 2010 is supported (amongst others) by the Geothermischen Vereinigung e.V. – German Geothermal Association. Co-operation partners are the Wirtschaftsforum Geothermie and the International Geothermal Association (IGA).
Registration fees: Benefit from our early bird special (10% reduction) by registering before March 1, 2010! Members of GtV-BV benefit from a 10% reduction additionally to the early bird special.
For further information on registration, fees, conference programme and the target audience, please visit
Source: Release via Newswire