Interview with Ross Beaty of Magma Energy Corp on his views on further development
In an interview, Ross Beaty the Chairman and CEO of Magma Energy Corp. talks about his company's current geothermal energy power capacity being 86 MW with more than 500 MW in the pipeline.
In a very good interview with Ross Beaty, Chairman and CEO of Magma Energy, Energy Report provides a very good overview on Magma Energy and its activities.
“Today, geothermal represents a tiny piece of the global energy mix, but it is growing rapidly in some western U.S. states and more than 20 other countries where the ground is literally hottest. According to the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association, global geothermal production may triple over the next 10 to 30 years as demand for clean power increases. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, entrepreneur extraordinaire Ross J. Beaty talks about how he intends to offer investors a heretofore unavailable opportunity to ride that growth wave, what sparked his interest in the geothermal arena, and where he sees many similarities between mining for metals and capturing the energy from the magma beneath the earth’s crust. (Hot water and steam from the magma are piped to the surface to drive turbines to generate electricity).
Ross, who has earned himself a sterling reputation and world renown for scratch-building wealth-creating resource companies, is applying his considerable expertise and team of experts to a new enterprise, Magma Energy Corp. The company just went public in a heavily oversubscribed IPO in July.
To read the actual interview use link below.
Source: IBT Commodities