
Jobs: Geothermal Researcher at UNAM, Mexico

Biblioteca Central, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, (Fuente: Flickr, CC, Por: Aloud..)
Alexander Richter 5 Haz 2015

Job opportunity (researcher level “A”) in the area of rock physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Within the framework of the 2014-2018 research development plan, the Center of Geosciences (CGEO) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), located in the Juriquilla Campus, offers a research position (Investigador Titular “A”) in the area of “Physical characterization of porous and fractured media” with the following particular requirements:

We are seeking qualified and experienced applicants for research in the area of physical characterization of fractured and porous media with a focus on rock materials specific for geothermal reservoirs. The main research activities are associated with the study of porosity, permeability and thermal conductivity properties of rocks at different P-T conditions specific for a variety of geological systems. Recognized and strong expertise in the following research directions is particularly welcome: building analytical and/or numerical models in order to estimate hydrogeological properties of geological reservoirs during its evolution, quantification of physical properties of rocks (i.e. porosity) using high-resolution X-ray computing tomography and specialized software, modeling hydraulic conditions for fluids in different porous and fractured media, and advanced studies of permeability, porosity, fluid migration and petrophysical characterization of rocks specific for geothermal reservoirs. Based on the current CGEO research development plan, the candidate will join and consolidate the CGEO research group involved in natural recourses and energy. Additionally, the candidate is expected to perform interdisciplinary research with Solid Earth researchers.

Concerning lecturing and outreach: the candidate is expected to actively participate in Postgraduate teaching and directing/supervising thesis at MSc and PhD level. Furthermore, the candidate is expected to participate in different outreach activities.

About the UNAM Geosciences Center

The UNAM Center of Geosciences (CGEO) represents an important regional scientific hub located in the Juriquilla Campus, at outskirts of Quere?taro City in the State of Quere?taro. The central aim of CGEO is to perform interdisciplinary research (basic and applied) in the field of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry. Additionally, CGEO aims to train future top scientists, and in the same time, to disseminate geosciences knowledge at different education levels. CGEO hosts around 60 scientists of different backgrounds, and offers access to a modern research infrastructure. For more information please visit CGEO web page at: www.geociencias.unam.mx.


1. A PhD degree is required.
2. An exemplary record of research achievement, a minimum of four years of research experience, and an outstanding and original publication record. 3. Show a strong commitment in teaching and student leadership.

Application forms:

  1. Letter of research interest and achievements.
  2. Updated CV.
  3. Research plan for the 1st year.
  4. Two letters of recommendation.

Send all required documents at: [email protected]

Deadline for job application: 30th of June 2015.

Source: UNAM