KUTh Energy updates on Tasmanian and Vanuatu project
Australian KUTh Energy aggressively moves its Vanuatu project forward, while continuing its flagship project in Tasmania, as well as newly granted exploration licenses in North Queensland.
In its quarterly update in early July, Australian geothermal developer KUTh Energy provided details on the status of its projects in Tasmania/ Australia and in Vanuatu, as well as granted exploration licenses in Queensland.
In the release the company talks about the individual projects in detail.
The Tasmanian project is still the flagship project of the company, while it has concentrated on aggressively moving its Vanuatu project forward.
In Tasmania, the company’s attention focussed on the consolidation of results from recent geophysical
programs and the ongoing refinement of drill targeting at its twin Charlton-Lemont and Nicholas-Fingal
resources (see resource statements released 14 July 2009 & 9 March 2010). This work was underpinned
by the completion of infill gravity survey data acquisition at the company’s Naturally Fractured Hot Rock
play at Charlton-Lemont resource.
New work is underway on the appraisal of recently granted exploration permits EPG 9 (Georgetown) and
EPG 7 (Jackin Creek) in North Queensland. One-dimensional heat flow modelling of existing deep
boreholes at EPG 7 has produced encouraging indications of local thermal anomalies with values in
excess of 100mWm-2 predicted at several sites. Additional work in progress on the Queensland
tenements includes the appraisal of available geological and geophysical data and planning for a
reconaissance spring sampling program on EPG 9.
Vanuatu progress continues to be impressive. Following the release of results from the recently
completed magnetotelluric survey (release dated 19 May 2010) the company has spent time in Vanuatu
closely engaged with the Government and local energy regulator to establish the path for future
development. We also updated the market in June concerning the appointment of Mr Jim Randle who
will play a key role in taking the Vanuatu project through its next development phase. ”
Source: company release via e-mail