
Local Planning Commission approves Hudson Ranch II geothermal plant

Hudson Ranch I geothermal power plant, January 2012, Salton Sea, California/ U.S. (source: EnergySource)
Alexander Richter 14 Eyl 2012

The Planning Commision of the local county has approved the planned 49 MW Hudson Ranch II geothermal power plant, as well as the Simbol Calipatria II plant that is to extract valuable minerals from the geothermal brine of the geothermal plant.

The local county Planning Commission has approved the Hudson Ranch II geothermal power plant, planned by EnergySource at the Salton Sea in California.

There is still outstanding approval by the Board of Supervisors, but the project will have four production wells and brine pipelines. The project is expected to have a capacity of 49 MW and generate about $16.6 million in income for the county and create 14 operational jobs, so consultant Jun Onaka.

At the same time the Planning Commission approved the Simbol Calipatria II plant, a project that would extract lithium, manganese and zinc from brine pulled by the Hudson Ranch geothermal plant.

Source: Imperial Valley Press