
Netherlands host country at upcoming GeoTHERM expo

GeoTHERM 2012, Offenburg, Germany (source: Messe Offenburg)
Alexander Richter 30 Oca 2014

The upcoming GeoTHERM expo & congress 2014 in Offenburg, Germany announces the Netherlands as host country for the event. It will take place February 20-21, 2014.

The upcoming GeoTHERM expo & congress 2014 in Offenburg, Germany announces the Netherlands as host country for the event. It will take place February 20-21, 2014.

The close cooperation with the Dutch geothermal association strengthens Europe’s biggest trade fair with congress. With various special lectures, the Netherlands present themselves as host country of this year’s GeoTHERM, which takes place on the 20th and 21st of February. A special topic will be a best practice lecture on the use of geothermal energy in horticulture.

Concerning the high rate of international visitors and exhibitors all congress lectures will be simultaneously translated in English, French and German.

The complete congress programme is available online www.geotherm-germany.com.