
New Risk Mitigation Mechanism in Mexico to foster 300 MW of Geothermal

Pueblas, Mexico
Alexander Richter 4 Haz 2014

A new RM mechanism is composed by Banks and Government agencies the Secretaría de Energía de México, Nacional Financiera, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y MUNICH RE and aims to increase a 30% of the geothermal energy produced in the country.

In our sister publication in Spanish, Piensa en Geotermia it has been announced that the creation of a common fund for risk mitigation is under way. Exploration costs, that are traditionally the most expensive part of the investment will be covered by the aforementioned fund.

The creation of such fund is aimed at boosting geothermal in Mexico, specially in four areas, Los Azufres, 
Los Humeros, Cerro Prieto and Las Tres Vírgenes. Our Spanish source mentions that the total fund will amount 183 million Pesos and will all be destined to bolster new projects and that the fund is composed by both public entities and private banks.

For more details follow the links bellow:

Source: Periodico AM via PiensaGeottermia Website