Newberry EGS project not effected by new legislation in U.S.
Since hydroshearing uses water and a biodegradable diverter, unlike fracking that uses a variety of chemicals that are potentially hazardous, EGS will not be affected by the new laws looking to protect underground water.
A recent change in the US legislation targeted at fracking for gas has raised concerns for geothermal, and in particular for EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System) projects. A clear example is the Newberry EGS project in Oregon.
A local news source states that “critics are concerned about the side effects of getting to the hot rocks. “This is not fracking,” said David Stowe, spokesman with AltaRock. The process they’re using is called hydroshearing. It uses pressurized water to break through solid rock. “It is very cold water, hitting very hot rock,” Stowe said. “It causes it to contract very fast. Sort of like an ice cube when you put water on it and you hear that cracking sound. It’s the same principle.” While fracking uses chemicals to help with that process, hydroshearing relies on water and a biodegradable diverter, which enhances the fracture process. Since they’re using a different process, the new federal regulations on fracking do not apply to the Newberry site.”
The geothermal industry has been trying for a long while to differentiate itself from traditional fracking activities in the oil and gas sector since these two sectors are completely different, yet due to an apparent common misconception, the public tends to think that hydroshearing and fracking are the same.
To read the full news piece, please follow the link.
Source: KTVZ News