Paisley Plant in Oregon Might be Operative this Summer
Despite recent setbacks, officials from Surprise Valley Electric are positive that the plant will be online in the following months.
The plant is expected to be online and operational this summer, despite having suffered some setbacks. The local source informs that it will “produce 3 megawatts of renewable power, or about enough net output to provide power for 600 to 700 single-family homes.”
The same source informs that the company had hoped to have the power plant operable last fall, but the target is now set this summer and the cost of the project has also climbed from an estimated $12 million in 2011 to about $21 million. The total includes a $2 million federal Department of Energy grant through the American Recovery Act and a $3 million Oregon Department of Energy business tax credit.
Surprise Valley is the operator of the geothermal plant and will sell the electricity to PacifiCorp.
Source: Blue Mountain Eagle Website