Peru’s push for renewables seems to focus on wind an solar
Solar and wind are the stars of the renewable push in Peru. Geothermal, yet again, is nowhere to be seen.
In recent news from Peru there seems to be less and less mentioning of geothermal. Private companies have been reconsidering their geothermal projects. And in a recent article Urphy Vasquez, board member and coordinator of the Research and Projects Institute of Natural Sciences, Land and Renewable Energy of Peru (INTE-PUCP) is interviewed regarding the state of renewables in the country. Miss Vasquez details that Peru has vast amounts of renewable energy potential yet most of the efforts are focused around the development of solar and windpower.
She mentions the Program of Peru for Renewable Energy Resources (RER), which promotes the generation of electricity through tenders called by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, and allows private companies to invest large sums of money in building plants, in exchange for a power purchase agreement for a specified period. To date, Peru has awarded 52 hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass and biogas (23 are operational and 29 are under construction), totaling more than 800 megawatts. No geothermal development has been done up until now.
“The tenders are the first big step to start working with renewable energy. The idea is that these projects expand, its use is widespread and that more solar, wind or biogas digesters have plants, “says the coordinator. For now, the only companies that have the technical and management capacity to implement them are foreign private companies.
Geothermal, yet again is nowhere to be seen.
Source: Noticias de la Ciencia