
REN Alliance/ IRENA Webinar on technology in sustainability goals

Screenshot of Geothermal Plant Map within IRENA's Global Atlas
Alexander Richter 26 Haz 2014

This webinar, organised by REN Alliance and IRENA will explore case studies and study how 100% renewable energy supply is possible and how to create synergies between renewable energy sources.

Under the umbrella of the REN Alliance, the International Geothermal Association (IGA). International Hydropower Association (IHA), International Solar Energy Society (ISES), World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and World Bioenergy Association (WBA), are pleased to be teaming up with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), to offer a webinar on ” Sustainable technology integration towards 100% renewable energy – Case studies”. This webinar is a result of a side-event the REN Alliance partners held at the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Bonn Climate Change Conference 2014 on 11 June. This webinar will explore how 100% renewable energy supply is possible based on case studies of how renewable energy technologies are working together already and the real costs of renewable energy. The presentations will be followed by questions and answers with the panelist and audience.

Introduction: The way to a 100% renewable energy future
Moderator: Dave Renné – President of the International Solar Energy Society

Case studies – Renewable Technologies integrated

Wind energy in combination with Hydro energy
Stefan Gsänger: Secretary General of the World Wind Energy Association

Geothermal energy combined with Hydro and Solar energy
Marietta Sander: Executive Director of the International Geothermal Association

Oliver Griffiths: Interim Programme Director, Hydropower Development, International Hydropower Association

Renewable Energy : The True Costs
Michael Taylor: Analyst, Renewable Energy Cost Status and Outlook at IRENA

Concluding remarks: Renewables working together
Karin Haara: Executive Director of the World Bioenergy Association

General discussion and questions with audience

Registration Information
After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the webinar. Please note, there may be a delay of 1 – 2 days before you receive your registration confirmation.

To register for the Webinar, please follow the link bellow:

Source: IRENA