
Resource Assessment & Optimization Workshop, Sacramento, June 10-12, 21013

View over Sacramento, California (source: flickr/ Grey Wolf1, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 27 May 2013

The GRC will hold a Resource Assessment & Optimization Workshop in Sacramento, Calfiornia, June 10-12, 2013 accompanied with a tour of The Geysers geothermal field.

The Geothermal Resources Council invites to its Resource Assessment & Optimization Workshop June 10-12, 2013 in Sacramento, California. The workshop also features a tour of the Geysers Geothermal field.

The workshop will describe how to assess the suitability of geothermal resources for development and expansion once initial exploration has been done. Presentations will focus on insights to be gleaned from well testing, reservoir simulation, geochemistry, and ongoing resource monitoring.

Experienced practitioners in these areas will discuss the techniques, and several geothermal operators will present case studies illustrating how the techniques have been applied to their projects. This workshop will provide practical information to anyone interested in geothermal energy, including developers, financiers, utilities, regulators, public-interest organizations, and members of the academic community. The workshop will comprise two days of presentations in Sacramento, California, followed by an optional, one-day field trip to The Geysers.

Details about the workshop on the GRC Website