Sala project in Vahom could build first geothermal power plant in Slovakia
The geothermal combined heat and power plant planned at Sala planned by AI Farma could be the first geothermal power plant in Slovakia.
Local news from Slovakia report about a new geothermal power and heat project at Trnovec Váhom. The Salad project could be the first geothermal power plant in Slovakia. Earlier news reported on the project in August last year.
It is situated in an agricultural area in the local village of Upper Jatov. There are currently only two ongoing projects in Slovakia, the Salad project and one in Kosice.
The company planning the Salad project is AI FARMA, which is also currently building a biomass plant on the site that is planned to start operation later this year.
The overall investment cost of the project is expected to be between EUR30 and 32 million ($39-42 million) and see the development of a 4.5-5 MW geothermal power plant in the first phase and around 20 MW thermal for a heating plant.
The company has chosen Trnovec and its surrounding, as it has “results of a detailed seismic survey done by an American company for oil and gas exploration in the 1980s” and there have been established “satisfactory temperature from nearby wells in Galante, Salan and Sered of around 160 degrees Celsius”.
The project plans to drill 5-6 wells to a depth of around 4,000 meters. High-voltage transmission lines are in proximity of the project site.
The company also explores the possibility to work directly with offtakers, such as greenhouses, drying rooms, freezers etc.
There will be a third public hearing on the project this month in Trnovec Váhom.