
Scotland seeking comments on geothermal & deep drilling requirements

Holyrood Parliament Building, Edinburgh/ Scotland (source: flickr/ creative commons)
Alexander Richter 15 Ağu 2016

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency is seeking responses to its consultation on deep drilling licensing and requirements for activities related to geothermal energy.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency is seeking responses to its consultation on the information SEPA requires in support of a deep borehole licence applications and requirements for activities related to geothermal energy.

SEPA is consulting on its proposed new guidance, directed at anybody planning to drill and operate a deep borehole in Scotland – information requirements (+200m)

It is also seeking responses to our consultation on SEPA’s requirements for activities related to geothermal energy.

The extraction of geothermal energy can involve a number of activities which are regulated by SEPA under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (CAR). The guidance is directed at anybody planning to install a geothermal energy system. It is designed to help developers understand what authorisation is required by SEPA for controlled activities, as defined by the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (CAR), associated with geothermal energy systems.

Deadline for comments is September 12, 2016.

Source & Details: SEPA.org.uk