
SDG&E signs 40 MW one-year PPA with Silicon Valley Power

NCPA geothermal power plant, The Geysers, California (source: Montara Ventures)
Alexander Richter 15 Tem 2011

San Diego Gas & Electric signs one-year PPA with Silicon Valley Power for delivery of 40 MW of geothermal power, from the NCPA geothermal power plant in the Geysers, California.

In news from California, it is reported that “San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) recently signed two contracts for renewable energy: a 25-year power purchase agreement with Solar Gen 2 LLC for 150 MW of solar power and a one-year contract with Silicon Valley Power for 40 MW of geothermal power.

The one-year power contract for 40 MW of electricity generated by underground steam heat is expected to produce about 350 GWh of electricity over the length of the agreement, which continues through June 2012.  SDG&E began taking delivery of the geothermal power on July 1. SDG&E began taking delivery of the geothermal power, which comes from Silicon Valley Power’s ownership share of the geothermal units located in the Geysers region of Northern California. (The NCPA 110 MW geothermal plant, where Silicon Valley Power holds a 55% participation share)”

Source: SDG & E announcement, Sillicon Valley Power