
Sierra Geothermal Power with winning bid for BC permit

Knights Inlet, BC, Canada. (source: sallylondon/flickr creative commons)
Alexander Richter 30 Mar 2010

Canadian Sierra Geothermal Power Corp. submitted the winning bid in the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, & Petroleum Resources permit auction for the Knight Inlet parcel of 8,000 hectares.

According to latest news, “Sierra Geothermal Power Corp. submitted the winning bid in the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, & Petroleum Resources permit auction of March 29, 2010.

The Knight Inlet parcel was the only parcel on the block at the first of three auctions proposed for 2010.  Subsequent auctions are to take place in June and September.

Sierra Geothermal Power bought parcel 62663 with 8,079 hectares for a price of Can$2.03/ hectare for a total of Can$16,386. With the rent due the total is Can$24,965.

Source: CanGEA & BC Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum