
Sonsuzluk Enerji awarded 6 concessions in the Kula area, Western Turkey

Pamukkale Hot Springs, Western Turkey (source: flickr/ peggyhr, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 13 Ağu 2012

Transmark Renewables reports its subsidiary Sonsuzluk Enerji has been awarded 6 geothermal exploration concessions in Kula, Western Turkey, close to existing concessions held by the company.

Sonsuzluk Enerji, a 100% subsidiary of Dutch company Transmark Renewables reports, “it has been awarded with 6 new exploration concessions in the vicinity of their cluster concession area in Kula, Western Turkey.

The concession areas cover an area of approx 200 km2 and brings the total exploration area of Sonsuzluk to 400 km2. The Kula project is one of the biggest, if not the biggest exploration project in Turkey. The region is situated in a tectonically very active stress regime, between the Alasehir graben and the Simav graben. It is characterized by plenty of volcanic features such as 80 cinder cones, maar and lava flows of different eruption periods. Human footprints have been discovered on the youngest lava flows which are dated just a few thousand years ago.

In order to focus on the actual realization of projects, Transmark Renewables have identified Turkey, next to the successful operation in Chile, as one of their key selected markets. Transmark Renewables wants to significantly contribute to the acceleration of the still relatively immature geothermal development and with its fully dedicated in-house team it is a significant player in the global geothermal market.”

Source: Transmark Renewables release