
Stay up to date on geothermal news follow ThinkGeoEnergy on Twitter

Twitter page of ThinkGeoEnergy
Alexander Richter 23 Nis 2012

Follow ThinkGeoEnergy on Twitter to stay up to date on geothermal news as they happen globally.

ThinkGeoEnergy has been very active on Twitter, featuring the news posted on ThinkGeoEnergy.com, but also following extensively activities in the world on geothermal re-tweeting news as they happen.

Twitter, as a micro-blogging tool, is a great way of posting news and ThinkGeoEnergy uses it to share its own news postings but also news from other sources.

ThinkGeoEnergy has so far posted beyond 4,200 tweets and has about 950 followers … so follow ThinkGeoEnergy on Twitter to help us  break the 1,000 follower threshold.

Follow ThinkGeoEnergy on Twitter

A great info-graphic on Twitter by BuySellAds.com