
Students of Idaho State University win DOE national student competition

Celebration Pari, Snake River Plains, Idaho (source: flickr/ gharness, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 16 Eki 2012

Students of Idaho State University won the 2012-13 Department of Energy National Geothermal Student Competition, on geothermal resources in a region of the state of Idaho in the U.S.

Idaho State University reports that it is the winner of the U.S. Department of Energy a2012-13 National Student Geothermal Competition.

“Student teams from Boise State University and Southern Methodist University Geothermal Laboratory finished second and third, respectively. All three Idaho public research universities, including the University of Idaho, had teams in the eight-school finals.

This student competition challenged teams at universities across the country to conduct cutting-edge research in geology, geoscience, chemical and bio-molecular energy and engineering that could lead to breakthroughs in geothermal energy development.

“This prestigious award indicates national recognition of the hard work, talent and enthusiasm of ISU students in the field of geothermal energy-related research and exploration,” said Michael McCurry, ISU geosciences professor. “We’re proud of the students and hope that their accomplishment inspires other students to enter this technical field, and that it helps to promote responsible exploration and development of Idaho’s great geothermal potential.”

Through the National Geothermal Student Competition, the DOE sought to advance geothermal education and spark interest in geothermal careers by providing a forum for hands-on learning. In addition, some of the data and analysis resulting from the competition may be valuable to industry and the development of new geothermal sites.

For the competition, students developed professional-quality research reports using exploration technologies to further geothermal power development of the Snake River Plain in Idaho. Findings were presented in conjunction with the Geothermal Research Council’s spring/summer meeting in order to provide an audience and networking opportunities for the students. The title of the ISU study is “Development of an integrated, testable conceptual model of blind geothermal resources in the eastern Snake River Plain: application to the Newdale geothermal prospect.”

For further details see the ISU release.

Source: Announcement by Idaho State University