Study for Switzerland recommends pursuing geothermal energy
The Centre for Technology Assessment in Switzerland (TA-SWISS) is urging government officials to reconsider geothermal as a viable form of energy generation despite some early criticism.
Despite some criticism from some projects in Switzerland, geothermal is recommended as a viable source of energy generation. According to a post in Swiss Info, geothermal energy would have a similar cost to other renewables such as solar or wind yet it has faced some early criticism after some initial explorations done in St Gallen and Basel were mandated to stop since some unusual seismic activity was noted.
Bearing this in mind, professionals from the Centre for Technology Assessment TA-SWISS are urging government officials to reconsider geothermal since it is still a viable source form of energy generation in the country. According to the same source, the initial issues where due to a lack of expertise and it would be up to the local cantons and local governments to work around the issues and foster this form of renewable energy.
The best way to overcome the public’s skepticism is to make as much info as possible free and fully available to the public, therefore showing that geothermal is safe and beneficial for the country.
To read the full article, please follow the link below:
Source: Swiss Info