
Talks on revitalization of of Laguna Colorada project in Bolivia

Laguna Colorada, Bolivia (source: flickr/ rewbs.soal, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 15 Oca 2013

The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is in discussions with the Bolivian government on re-starting the Laguna Colorada geothermal power project in Bolivia, which was estimated in the past at a potential 100 MW capacity.

Reported on our sister site, piensageotermia.com, the Laguna Colorada project could be restarted and be the first geothermal power project in Bolivia.

The deputy director of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Takashi Nishimura, said that JICA is “talking with the Bolivian government to start the project this year, which would result in the construction of a geothermal power plant.”

“Japan will continue its cooperation with Bolivia, with an investment of $20 million in various areas”.

ThinkGeoEnergy reported on the project in 2008, but not much has happened since. Then the project was estimated at a size of 100 MW.

Source: Piensa En Geotermia, Energy Press