
The 10 most read news on ThinkGeoEnergy in 2012

UN Complex in Nairobi, Kenya (source: ThinkGeoEnergy/ creative commons)
Alexander Richter 15 Oca 2013

ThinkGeoEnergy has had another successful year and provides a list of the top 10 most read news on its site for 2012.

Over the past 4 years, ThinkGeoEnergy has proudly worked hard to establish itself as the world’s leading geothermal news and service website. Today, more than 14,000 unique industry players, including suppliers, associations, researchers, developers, bankers, and academics from over 150 different countries visit ThinkGeoEnergy every month. After the start of our Spanish-language service Piensa En Geotermia and the relaunch under a new design in October 2012, ThinkGeoEnergy is continuing to add additional elements to the site. More on this in the coming weeks.

The following are the top 10 most read news from 2012 on ThinkGeoEnergy.com:

1. Capacity Factors of geothermal plants, a global analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, of Jan. 24, 2012

2. World Bank releases Geothermal Handbook on Planning and Financing, Sep 14, 2012

3. South Africa exploring option for geothermal power, Nov. 7, 2012

4. KenGen to sign contract on 280 MW Olkaria IV project, Nov. 1, 2011

5. Green Energy Group signs $93 million contract for 12 well head plants, Oct. 31, 2012

6. Ground breaking ceremony at Olkaria IV project in Kenya, Jul 24, 2012

7. Italian Exergy announces operation of new radial outflow turbine in ORC system, Mar 23, 2012

8. Geothermal Development Associates commissions Kenya well head plant, Feb. 24, 2012

9. Turboden announces new supercritical ORC module prototype, Oct. 17, 2012

10. GDC seeking $750 million funding for Silali steamfield development, Apr. 16, 2012

What is interesting to see, is that Africa is clearly the market that receives most of the interest by the readers of ThinkGeoEnergy and we will try to reflect this in our coverage. Shortly we will also look into our predictions for the global geothermal energy world for 2013.

The most read page on ThinkGeoEnergy.com continues to be the extensive “Geothermal Events List“.