The top 10 items that make this month special for ThinkGeoEnergy
ThinkGeoEnergy has reached a number of milestones this month. Among the top 10, are us passing the 4,000 Likes mark on Facebook, having more than 34,000 page views, are just shy of 2,000 subscribers and more.
We briefly wanted to share the top 10 items that have made this past month a milestone month for ThinkGeoEnergy.
The past few weeks have been intensive. Preparation for the World Geothermal Congress 2015 in Melbourne, Australia, the continued work on our new website, our research database and our increased social media efforts have kept us busy.
We could now write about all the things we have done and are planning, but want instead to focus briefly on the things that make this past month stick out. More on all of our ongoing activities and plans in the coming weeks.
So here our top 10 milestones of this past month (Jan. 5 to Feb. 4, 2015)
- Facebook: we just passed the 4,000 Likes mark today
- LinkedIn: now with 2,041 members, continues to grow as a key group for geothermal professionals on LinkedIn
- ThinkGeoEnergy Pageviews: 34,700
- Visits to the website: 18,458
- ThinkGeoEnergy Newsletter Subscribers: with 1,930 just shy of 2,000 subscribers
- Daily visitors (Monday through Friday): 600-980, nearly scratching the 1,000 visitor mark on Tuesdays
- Visiting countries: U.S. still no.1, but now with Kenya, Philippines and Indonesia as no.2, 3 and 4.
- Visitors came from 167 countries
- Two-thirds of our visitors are age: 25-54
- Nearly 19% of all visits from either phone or tablets