
ThinkGeoEnergy Holiday Greetings and Outlook for 2011

Northern Lights in Iceland (source: flickr/ totalpodcastrophe, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 24 Ara 2010

ThinkGeoEnergy wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year. For the continuing success of geothermal energy development.

Another exciting year for ThinkGeoEnergy comes to an end, while I expect to report news over the holidays, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the many regular visitors and readers of the site.

ThinkGeoEnergy wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year.

These are exciting times and the next year will prove to be another eventful year for the industry. ThinkGeoEnergy is looking forward to cover development world-wide and plans some exciting additions to the site.

ThinkGeoEnergy has taken huge steps this year with a new design, additional partnerships and the installation of a weekly newsletter.

With now nearly 20,000 visitors per week, the site finally cracked the 200 countries wall, as people from 205 countries have visited the site in 2010.

The first thing planned for the New Year is the publication of a report with a review on the news of 2010 and exciting statistics from the site and the industry. Stay tuned as we will release this in the early spring of the next year.

I would like to thank the many supporters of the site, who have been so helpful sending in news, pointing out mistakes, or generally providing insight and guidance on the many aspects of the geothermal energy industry. So all of you based in the Philippines, Chile, Iceland, U.S., Australia, Germany and Switzerland that have helped me over the years, I appreciate your support and for 2011 “keep it coming”. These are friends who continue to be a constant resource of inspiration. Thank you.

The site also lives from the support of companies and so I am particularly grateful for the support of my employer Islandsbanki, that has allowed me to pursue my work on ThinkGeoEnergy beside my work, but also through a sponsorship on the site. Other companies that helped through sponsorships were Sierra Geothermal Power, ThermaSource, HannonArmstrong, Mannvit, Verkís, Technip, ÍSOR and GeothermEx.

Thank you.

The site also had to deal with technical difficulties, from a hacker attack in the summer, to the – so far – unsuccessful installation of a job portal, but things are looking good.

So what to expect for the next year, well I cannot tell all, but I intend to get the Global Geothermal Power Plant Map to another level, to improve the appearance of the weekly newsletter, get the job portal up and running and become more active on the research part, starting with a “2010 geothermal news in review”.

Stay tuned.

All the best to you, your families and continuing success to your companies’ activities.

Alexander Richter/ ThinkGeoEnergy