
ThinkGeoEnergy launches Spanish geothermal news service PiensaGeotermia.com

PiensaGeotermia website snapshot
Alexander Richter 4 Haz 2012

ThinkGeoEnergy launches the Spanish language website, Piensa En Geotermia (www.piensageotermia.com), which will feature global geothermal energy news in Spanish.

It is with great pleasure that I or better we now announce the launch of PiensaGeotermia.com (Piensa En Geotermia), the Spanish language news service of ThinkGeoEnergy.

Founded in late 2008, ThinkGeoEnergy has covered the global geothermal energy industry, with a focus on the power generation and large scale direct use sector. These have been challenging and but also personally exciting times. The site has grown on all levels and is today the largest global geothermal news website. Over the years lots of things have been added, including the iPhone “GeoEnergy” app, a job portal etc.  All of this wouldn’t have been possible with the support of the sponsors and advertisers on the site, for which we are quite grateful. We are also going through a complete overhaul of the site with lots of additional functionality, services, content etc to come … so stay tuned.

But now to the main news of today. For the site it obvious from the beginning that to reach the Spanish speaking world, one would have to provide the industry a platform in Spanish. So with PiensaGeotermia.com we want to emphasize the magnitude of opportunities geothermal energy development in the Spanish speaking world provides. On a global scale these regions will make great contributions to the global industry. Our intention for the site is to unite all the players that integrate the geothermal world, from professionals to investors, financial institutions, general public and any other group that thinks it can provide expertise. With the site, we want to provide the Spanish speaking geothermal world the platform it deserves. There are some minor technical glitches, but the site is fully functional as is.

I am particularly proud to have found a passionate and motivated gentleman from Spain, Abraham Ormad (abraham(at)thinkgeoenergy.com) to lead the efforts on PiensaGeotermia.com as the Spanish language sister website of ThinkGeoEnergy.  We welcome our new readers and hope to meet the expectations raised. We have a very active presence within social networks, so if you want to know more, access  the “Community” section of the page.

We are open to any suggestions or questions, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your news and articles.

Does anyone doubt that geothermal energy is going to speak Spanish?

A greeting from the ThinkGeoEnergy team and Abraham welcome on board!!