
ThinkGeoEnergy on ISSUU

Alexander Richter 1 Tem 2009

Think GeoEnergy documents/ research published on ISSUU.

Think GeoEnergy created an account with ISSUU, an online publication platform. The site provides a fantastic platform for publications online, makes them easily accessible both in browser view and full-screen view.

Link to Think GeoEnergy at ISSUU

For the moment posted are “Islandsbanki: Financing geothermal projects in challenging times (June 2009)” and “Glitnir Bank’s 2008 U.S. Geothermal Market Report”

Think GeoEnergy will try to post all of its research on this site to make them easily accessible to its readers.

In the future, further tools like Slideshare and others will be utilized to provide additional value to readers of the site.