ThinkGeoEnergy on skis, refuelling batteries for WGC2015
Once in a while one needs to rewind and we were glad taking half a day off to go skiing this week. With refuelled batteries, the World Geothermal Congress can come.
The past few months have been intense. Preparing our new website, our participation at the upcoming World Geothermal Congress and planning for the future kept us rather busy.
So when finally the weather became better, we simply called it a day in the office after lunch and went skiing. About 30 minutes out of Reykjavik lies a small but nice ski area with a million dollar view. Not too bad looking down at your office somewhere there on the horizon on a work day.
Sometimes one simply needs a break and – though hard to admit – not everything in life is about geothermal.
We could though not resist taking a picture of ourselves. To the left on the picture above is Francisco Rojas, who joined me at ThinkGeoEnergy last year in May and has helped to not only up the news output for the site, but also increase our social media presence. A Spanish national, Francisco has been great support and will also be supporting me from Iceland during the busy time at the World Geothermal Congress. He has also taken over the work on PiensaGeotermia, after the departure of Abraham Ormad. Readership for the site has since increased quite a bit after we aligned a little the strategy around the site. For any inquiries for the site and news from the Spanish speaking world, drop him an email at [email protected].
On the right, this is me, Alexander Richter. Having founded ThinkGeoEnergy now more than 6 years ago, it is great having some support and keep on building on a strategy that sees the site as the hub for everything geothermal. There are lots of things we are working on and will share with you in due time.
Make sure to connect throughout the WGC if you happen to be there. If you want to meet, drop me an email at [email protected].
Despite our crazy schedule these days, it was great to get out of the office and enjoy the slopes, some fresh air and to refuel the batteries for the upcoming crazy days in Melbourne.
Don´t forget to refuel your batteries once in a while.