U.S. patent issued for self contained in-ground geothermal generator
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a patent for "a self contained in-ground geothermal generator" by inventor Nikola Lakic of Indio, California. The unit contains a boiler, a turbine compartment, electricity generator, a condenser and an electric cable.
The U.S. United States Patent and Trademark Office issued Patent no. 8,281,591, on a “Self Contained In-Ground Geothermal Generator”.
The “Self Contained In-Ground Geothermal Generator” was invented by Nikola Lakic of Indio, California, U.S. and the Patent was originally filed in 2007 and in parts published earlier.
According to the abstract released by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office: “A self contained geothermal generator includes a boiler, a turbine compartment, an electricity generator, a condenser and an electric cable. The condenser includes a distributor chamber, a peripheral chamber and plurality of tubes disposed between the chambers. The peripheral chamber of the condenser surrounds and cools turbine, elective generator and selector of the condenser departments. The condenser cools and converts exhausted steam back in liquid state and returns it back into boiler for reheating. In a method of using the geothermal generator, water contained within the boiler is converted to high-pressure, super heated steam due to heat from hot rocks contained within a pre-drilled well below the Earth’s surface. The steam is used to produce electric energy which is transported up to the ground surface by the electric cable. A plurality of geothermal generators may be used in a “binary” power plant through system of several heat exchangers.”
The patent was filed on Aug. 22, 2008, under Application No. 12/197,073.
For further information please visit: U.S. Patent Office
Source: Power Engineering