Update on the Sarulla project in Indonesia
At the World Geothermal Congress a presentation was given with an update on the Sarulla project in Indonesia.
In a presentation earlier today at the WGC2015, more news and updates were given about the Sarulla geothermal project in Indoensia, toted as the largest individual geothermal power plant in the world, currently planned for 330 MWe, being developed in 3 individual stages of 110 MWe in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
This is an interesting project not only from the engineering or geological point of view (due to the sheer size of the plant) but also from the political/financial/industrial view because there is a consortium of 4 developers and 8 different lenders working to make this project a reality. This is would be the culmination of a geothermal vision that has been in the making since 1993.
As of now, stage one is on track to go online in 2016. Stay tuned for more developments and updates.