
Visit to Kyushu Electric Power’s Yamakawa geothermal plant

Somuta 1 Chome, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (source: flickr/ keyaki, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 1 Şub 2016

Some nice pictures of the Yamakawa geothermal power plant by Kyushu Electric in Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan.

In an interesting article in Japanese publication Gozo Cedars, the author reports on a visit to the Yamakawa geothermal power plant in Japan, by Kyushu Electric Power.

The article contains some nice imagery of this plant.

The plant has an installed power generation capacity of 30 MW and is located in Ibusuki Kagoshima Prefecture.

Operated by Kyushu Electric Power, the turbine is a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries turbine.

Check it out via the link below.

Source: Gozo Cedars