WEF Green Investment Report on ways to unlock finance for green growth
The World Economic Forum Green Investment Report looks at ways on how private financing for green growth can be unlocked.
The Green Investment Report, introduced to the World Economic Forum last week in Davos, Switzerland, calls upon world leaders to spend up to $700 billion per year on “green investments”.
The report sees “greening global economic growth” as “the only way to satisfy the needs of today’s population and up to 9 billion people, driving development and well-being while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing natural resource productivity.”
So while there has been tremendous growth in finance flows for clean energy, this is not enough. “Progress in green investment continues to be outpaced by investment in fossil-fuel intensive, inefficient infrastructure.”
On the investment need of $700 billion per year to “mee the climate-change challenge”, the report talks about the need for clean energy infrastructure, low-carbon transport, energy efficiency and forestry to limit global average temperature incrase…”.
For an overview see the “Executive Summary” of the report and the full content here.
For a list of a large number of similar reports sourced for this particular report see here.