
Winners of GEA Honors Awards: TAS Energy, Ormat Technologies and EnergySource

GEA Honors Awards Winners 2011 (source: GEA/ Photo by Zach Settewongse)
Alexander Richter 25 Ağu 2011

In conjunction with the National Geothermal Summit, the U.S. Geothermal Energy Association announced the winners of its Honors Awards, TAS Energy, Ormat Technologies and EnergySource. It also recognized a number of individuals for their outstanding achievements for the industry.

The Geothermal Energy Association has announced the winners for the inaugural GEA Honors, designed to recognize the individuals and companies that have made significant contributions to the development of
the geothermal industry. The winners and nominees were honored at an exclusive awards dinner at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, held in conjunction with the organization’s first-ever GEA National Geothermal Summit.

GEA Honors are awarded to GEA member companies in three distinct areas: Technological Advancement, Economic Development and Environmental Stewardship. A Special Recognition Honor is open to the entire industry.

“It is our pleasure to highlight the efforts of the individuals and companies that are driving growth and innovation in geothermal power,” said GEA Executive Director Karl Gawell. “The progress achieved by this year’s honorees has been essential in continuing the expansion of the industry.”

GEA Honors 2011 winners:
Technological Advancement – Awarded to an individual or company that has developed a new, innovative or pioneering technology to further geothermal development.

WINNER: TAS Energy Inc. New High Efficiency Binary Expander

TAS Energy Inc. has been awarded the GEA Honors Technological Advancement award for its development of new high-efficiency binary expanders, which have substantiated the commercial viability and utility use of lowtemperature resources. The new design features off-the-shelf components and ease of field maintenance in addition to utilizing a non-flammable, environmentally friendly working fluid which is both safe and efficient. Lower temperatures than traditionally thought of as ‘commercially viable resource temperatures’ can now be utilized for geothermal and waste heat applications, demonstrating how this innovative application can potentially add 15% additional power to a geothermal flash plant, delivering improved economics even in high price regions, and decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Nominees in this category were TAS, Atlas Copco Gas,Enel Green Power North America, GeoTek Energy, Nevada Geothermal Power, Star Energy

Economic Development – Awarded to an individual or company that has made a substantial contribution to the development of local, regional or national markets through the development of geothermal systems.

WINNER: Ormat Technologies, Inc.

Ormat Technologies, Inc. has won the GEA Honors award in Economic Development for substantial contribution to the development of local, regional, and national markets through the development of geothermal systems in Nevada. With its significant economic contributions to Nevada, Ormat has impacted the geothermal industry and the state by creating quality jobs, establishing a strong presence for renewables, paying millions of dollars in taxes and supporting quality programs.

Nominees in this category were: Ormat, GeoGlobal Energy Chile, Ram Power Corp. and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Environmental Stewardship – Awarded to individual or company that has fostered outstanding environmental stewardship through the use of geothermal systems. These award nominations were evaluated by and presented in conjunction with the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI).

WINNER: EnergySource LLC/Hudson Ranch 1

EnergySource LLC received the GEA Honors award, presented along with the EESI, for environmental stewardship of its Hudson Ranch 1 Project in Imperial Valley, CA. The Hudson Ranch 1 plant is designed to
dramatically reduce CO2 emissions (projected to be less than 70 percent of the average geothermal plant) and to set a new standard in minimized water use. EnergySource has also been actively engaged in the protection of biological resources. Where Burrowing Owls have been impacted by the construction of Hudson Ranch 1, EnergySource has used proven passive relocation techniques and is monitoring the owls until nearby construction ends.

Nominees in this category were Energy Source (formerly CHAR), NV Energy, Northern California Power Agency

Special Recognition – Awarded to individuals and companies for outstanding achievement in the geothermal industry

Charlene Wardlow (Ormat), Dan Schochet (Ram Power), Geothermal Development Associates, Hezy Ram (Ram Energy), Jonathan Weisgall (MidAmerican Energy Holdings), Larry Nickerson (Ormat), Marilyn Nemzer (Geothermal Education Office), POWER Engineers, Wendell Howard (Geothermal Resource Group), Wendy Calvin (University of Nevada, Reno, Great Basin Center), Don Campbell, Skip Matlick, Bob Verity (Ormat).

Source: GEA